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2 GOOD Loom Alternatives

Loom has become the industry standard when it comes to quick videos easily recorded right from your computer or now phone. Loom allows you to capture your screen and webcam. After recording your video is uploaded and ready to share within seconds of recording.

1) is a full-blown video recording/video hosting system. Not only does it include some of the same features included in Loom but it also allows for a link to collect a video (a testimonial for example) or a video response.

Plans start at $0/m and pro is $15/m is currently running a lifetime deal on Appsumo don’t miss out! We snagged it and the community is very active and cool!

2) Storyexpress

Story Express focuses on quick video sharing they allow for customization of video players and video landing pages. I actually use this one daily, also a lifetime appsumo deal (I know right!). They are a solid option and a great option for those not wanting to use loom and the inevitable increasing monthly costs.

Article Written by steradmin
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